Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Goole Maps

Everything starts with baby steps... So we will start with the baby steps which is learning about the icons that you see when you open google maps...


1. Get directions

all numbers under this headline is related to the image below:
So when you click on the get directions icon you will have many options. firstly, you need to specify from and to locations.
(4) here you will type you current location or the location you want directions from
(5) in this cell you will type the place you want to head to from point A (4)
(6) you can always add more destenations by clicking on  "Add destenation" and it will give you more points C, D, E.... Z
for example if you want directions from (A) Dubai Trade Center to (B) Crown Plaza hotel and then you want to go back home (C) Al-Khawaneej
after specifying your from and to location you can choose to get directions by
(1) by car
if you choose by car when you will get street directions and will have the option to check (8) avoid highways and avoid tolls "a fee levied for the use of roads or bridges"... in this way you can avoid traffic and save some money.
(2) public transit "bus or metro"
* numbers refer to the numbers listed on the image above*
if you choose to get directions by public transit google map will make it easier for you to reach your destenation by (1) choosing when you would like to use the public transport "leave now" "depart at" and "arrive by" (2) then you can choose the date and (3) the timing... after that google will give you a list of suggestions that you can choose depending on your prefrence

(3) walking

2. My places

when clicking on my places you will get the chance to see all the options from (5) to (12) that I will explain later.

3. Print

once you get directions from and to you can then print the map with directions marked on the map

4. Link

after searching for a specefic location you can press on the link icon you will get the URL that you can paste in an email to send it. In addition, to an HTML that you can paste in order to embed the map in a website.

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